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Name Species Date Uploaded Description
BIOGRID Arabidopsis_thaliana entrez Arabidopsis thaliana 3/31/20 Parsed from BioGrid v.4.3.129 (Default)
BIOGRID Caenorhabditis_elegans entrez Caenorhabditis elegans 3/31/20 Parsed from BioGrid v.4.3.129 (Default)
BIOGRID Danio_rerio entrez Danio rerio 3/31/20 Parsed from BioGrid v.4.3.129 (Default)
BIOGRID Drosophila_melanogaster entrez Drosophila melanogaster 3/31/20 Parsed from BioGrid v.4.3.129 (Default)
BIOGRID Escherichia_coli entrez Escherichia coli 3/31/20 Parsed from BioGrid v.4.3.129 (Default)
BIOGRID Homo_sapiens entrez Homo sapiens 3/31/20 Parsed from BioGrid v.4.3.129 (Default)
BIOGRID Mus_musculus entrez Mus musculus 3/31/20 Parsed from BioGrid v.4.3.129 (Default)
BIOGRID Saccharomyces_cerevisiae entrez Saccharomyces cerevisiae 3/31/20 Parsed from BioGrid v.4.3.129 (Default)
HPRD Homo_sapiens entrez Homo sapiens 3/31/20 (Default)
I2D Homo_sapiens entrez Homo sapiens 3/31/20 (Default)
IID human host interactome - UNIPROT Homo sapiens 4/9/20 Integrated interactions database (IID) (Kotlyar et al. 2016) (Default)
Krogan Sars-COV2 + IID human host interactome Homo sapiens 4/4/20 Sars-COV2 interactome (Krogan et al.) integrated with human host PPI interactions reported by IID (only experimental evidence, no predicted interactions). (Default)
Small demo network Homo sapiens 11/19/21 A small network intended for running the vignette in the KPM R package. (Default)
Ulitsky Homo_sapiens entrez Homo sapiens 3/31/20 (Default)
